Over a decade ago, Robert Chrencik, MBA, CPA, President and CEO of UMMS, and I adopted the phrase The Power of Partnership to embody the close collaboration and unique alignment that the School of Medicine and Medical System share. Prior to that time, the School and hospitals worked almost independently, despite the fact that our faculty provided the care across the Medical System, causing a level of misalignment that resulted in depressed revenues and stymied successes. By establishing a strong partnership, spearheaded by the leaders of our two great institutions, the School of Medicine and Medical System began to see immediate and dramatic results. After full alignment, our individual organizations experienced an unprecedented level of growth, becoming the multi-billion-dollar enterprise we are today. More recently, we’ve taken this partnership one step further, creating the new University of Maryland Medicine brand to show our solidarity and steadfast commitment to being a joint, exceptional academic medicine enterprise. This month, Mr. Chrencik and I have been invited by the AAMC’s Council of Deans and Council of Teaching Hospital CEOs to showcase the rich partnership between our School and the Medical System.
Most importantly, the collaborative spirit between our School of Medicine and Medical System isn’t just one that exists only at the level of the leadership. Indeed, The Power of Partnership is a concept that carries through all parts of our organizations, whether it be the partnership between our patients and our care teams, or the partnership between our basic and clinical research scientists.
The partnership between a patient and the care team is vital, not just to ensuring that a procedure or examination goes smoothly, but also that the recovery period is expeditious and free of complications. When a patient enters our doors, we forge an unwritten contract that we will provide sensitive, comprehensive care, utilizing the best science known today. For their part, our patients agree to be active participants in their care. For this reason, we’ve highlighted the high level of satisfaction our patients have reported regarding their care in this month’s newsletter.
Multi-disciplinary partnerships are vital to the success of our research enterprise. Since the launch of Vision 2020 in June of 2013, we have made a concerted effort to promote a culture of collaboration that transcends research fields and departments, bringing our best investigators together. We have devoted significant resources to foster these partnerships, and established a number of opportunities to increase team science across the School. One of these key initiatives is the new Institute for Clinical and Translational Research. Led by Stephen Davis, MBBS, this new institute draws upon the incredible intellectual capital we have among our faculty investigators from diverse research backgrounds. Collectively, they will work to rapidly bring discoveries made in basic science laboratories into therapeutics that will dramatically impact patient care.
A major component to our successful partnerships is our passion for what we do each day, from teaching our classes, to mentoring students and trainees, to the care we provide in our practices, to the research we conduct in our basic, translational, and clinical laboratories. Our common passion to help, to heal, and to strive for better brings us together. No one here works in a silo. We are all part of the same team, working to answer the Big Science questions facing biomedicine today. The celebration of our communal passion, and the incredible results this has achieved, is the theme of this year’s School of Medicine Gala, which will be held on May 5, 2018.
The strength of our enterprise comes from the partnerships we have formed with our colleagues. These partnerships are successful because of the passion behind the work. Just as University of Maryland Medicine is stronger for the collaboration between the School of Medicine and Medical System, so, too, is our research portfolio and clinical practices
buoyed by the deep commitment of our faculty community. I commend those who have already embodied The Power of Partnership in how they approach their work each day. Only by working cooperatively, collaboratively, and passionately can we hope to achieve our ultimate goal of improving the health of all humankind.
In the relentless pursuit of excellence, I am Sincerely yours,
E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA Vice President for Medical Affairs, University of Maryland John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and Dean, University of Maryland School of Medicine
Kudos to our colleagues who are experts in their fields and give their all to represent the School of Medicine!
Gad Alon, PT, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, attended the 10th World Congress of Neurorehabilitation where he presented a symposium titled, “Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES): On the Road to Personalized Intervention” and a short oral presentation titled, “Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES): The Science is Strong, the Clinical Practice Not Yet—A Review of Evidence.” The conference was held in Mumbai, India, February 7–10.
Chris D’Adamo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, presented at the 32nd Congressional Dietary Supplement Caucus briefing in Washington, DC in February. He presented a scientific perspective on advancements in sports nutrition and the role supplements play in optimal health and wellness.
Natalie Davis, MD, MMSc, Assistant Professor, and Colleen Hughes Driscoll, MD, Assistant Professor; both from the Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, organized the 10th Annual Baltimore Washington Virginia Perinatal Consortium (BWVPC) conference, held February 8–9 at the Airlie Convention Center in Warrenton, VA. Established by Cynthia Bearer, MD, PhD, the Mary Gray Cobey Professor of Neonatology, Chief of Neonatology and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Pediatrics, the conference brings together faculty and fellows from the seven regional academic neonatology fellowship programs and provides a forum for trainees and junior faculty to present their research, practice moderating sessions, as well as network, and collaborate with other researchers in the region.
Howard Dubowitz, MD, MS, FAAP, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, presented a one-day workshop for the Arizona Department of Health in Phoenix in February. The title of the presentation was “The Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) Model: Promotion of Children’s Health, Development and Safety.” In addition, Dr. Dubowitz presented two lectures as the Harris Visiting Professor at Boston Medical Center in March. His topics were “Neglected Children: A Role for Child Health Professionals,” and “The Safe Environment for Every Kid (SEEK) Model: Promotion of Children’s Health, Development and Safety.”
Robert Gallo, MD, the Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine, Co-Founder and Director, Institute of Human Virology, presented the keynote lecture titled “Nightmares of an Aging Viral Oncologist” at the Venetian Institute of Sciences during the XV European LeukemiaNet Symposium of Viruses, Genes and Hematological Cancers, held in Venice, Italy, March 19–22.
Karen Gordes, PT, DScPT, PhD, Assistant Professor, and Sandra McCombe-Waller, PT, PhD, MS, NCS, Associate Professor; both from the Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, presented “Building Collaborations Between Information Technology Students and Physical Therapy Students” as part of the lecture series hosted by the University of Maryland, Baltimore Health Sciences and Human Services Library. The presentation expanded on their IPE-grant funded collaboration with the University of Maryland Baltimore County, Department of Information Systems for UMB physical therapy students and UMBC information systems students to make custom devices for rehabilitation patients. The lecture took place on February 7, as a part of the Meet the Makers emerging technology speaker series.
Mark Mishra, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was among the presenters at the American Society of Clinical Oncology 2018 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium in San Francisco on February 8. Dr. Mishara’s presentations included “Impact of USPSTF Recommendations on Utilization of PSA Screening in Medicare Beneficiaries” and “Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Hydrogel Spacer in Radiotherapy (RT) of Prostate Cancer (PC).”
The third annual Emergency Cardiology Symposium, “Cardiac Conundrums in EM 2018,” sponsored by the Department of Emergency Medicine, was held on March 28. The event drew 250 in-person attendees and 1300 Livestream viewers from around the world. Amal Mattu, MD, Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, organized the program and invited nationally known specialists in emergency cardiology to lecture on cutting-edge topics in the management of cardiac emergencies in adults and children. The speakers included Mimi Lu, MD, Clinical Associate Professor, also from the Department of Emergency Medicine, who spoke on the topic of “The Crashing Cardiac Kid.”
Gregory Payne, PhD, Professor, Institute for Bioscience & Biotechnology Research (IBBR) and Fischell Department of Bioengineering, University of Maryland A. James Clark School of Engineering; Deanna Kelly, PharmD, BCPP, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Affiliate Professor of Pharmacy Practice and Science; Mijeong Kang, IBBR Postdoctoral Associate; and Eunkyoung Kim, IBBR Research Associate, have been nominated for the Invention of the Year award in the life sciences category for their invention “Transformational Electronic Tool for Chemical Analysis: Oxidative Stress Detection.” The winners were announced at the 2018 Innovate Maryland celebration on April 11. The invention team was also among co-authors in “Redox Probing for Chemical Information of Oxidative Stress,” which was published in Analytical Chemistry, 2017 Feb 7.
Amit Sawant, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, delivered a presentation on “Multileaf Collimator Tracking” on February 22 as part of the Southeast Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine 2018 Symposium in Greenville, SC. On the same day, Cedric Yu, DSC, FAAPM, the Carl M. Mansfield, MD Professor in Radiation Oncology, presented a lecture on “4pi Radiation Therapy.”
Lynn Schriml, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, presented “Cancer, Ontologies and Knowledge Integration” at the Think Tank Meeting on the Development of a Cancer Biomarkers Data Commons on February 9. The meeting was held at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland.
The Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science was well represented at the American Physical Therapy Association’s Annual Combined Sections Meeting that was held in New Orleans, February 21–24. Among the speakers and panelists were:
Ben Adams, PT, DPT
Odessa Addison, DPT, PhD, Assistant Professor
Gad Alon, PT, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus
Jay Barton, PhD, PE, Assistant Professor
Peter Bowman, PT, DPT, FAAOMPT, Assistant Professor
Vincent Conroy, PT, DScPT, Assistant Professor
Gabe Corder, PT, DPT
Robert Creath, PhD, Assistant Professor
Gabriela Lopes Gama, PT, PhD
Linda Horn, PT, DScPT, MHS, GCS, NCS, Assistant Professor and Co-Director for Academic Affairs, DPT Program
Lauren Hughes
Mario Inacio, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow
Christa Nelson, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, Assistant Professor
Wan-Wen Liao, PhD Candidate
Laurie Neely, PT, DPT, NCS, Assistant Professor
Mark Rogers, PT, PhD, FAPTA, George H. Hepburn Dynasplint Professor and Chair
Mary Rodgers, PT, PhD, FAPTA, FASB, FISB, Professor Emeritus
Douglas Savin, PT, PhD, Assistant Professor
Avelino Verceles, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine
Sandy McCombe Waller, PT, PhD, MS, NCS, Associate Professor
Maureen Walter, PT, DPT
Chris Wells, PT, PhD, Associate Professor (Adjunct Faculty II)
Jill Whitall, PhD, Professor
Zeljko Vujaskovic, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was invited to present at the First Russian Scientific and Education Congress, held February 15–18, in Moscow. The lecture was titled “Hyperthermia and Proton Therapy.”
Congratulations to the following who have received honors!
Clement Adebamowo, BM, ChB, ScD, FWACS, FACS, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health and Director for Global Health Cancer Research, has been named a 2018 Fellow of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO). Dr. Adebamowo will be honored at the opening session of the ASCO annual meeting in Chicago on June 2. ASCO Fellows are awarded this prestigious award in recognition for their extraordinary volunteer service, dedication, and commitment to the clinical oncology association.
At the American Physical Therapy Association’s (APTA) Annual Combined Sections Meeting, which was held in New Orleans, February 21–24, Victoria Marchese, PT, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, was honored at the Foundation for Physical Therapy’s Annual Donor Reception for being awarded the 2017 Snyder Research Grant. In addition, Chelsea David, PT, DPT, OCS; Roy Film, PT, DPT, OCS, FAAOMPT, Assistant Professor; and Christa Nelson, PT, DPT, PhD, OCS, Associate Professor, were recognized at the American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties Recognition Ceremony. The ceremony recognizes newly certified and recertified clinical specialists in the APTA’s eight approved areas of board certification. Both receptions took place on February 21.
Congratulations to our very productive faculty on their recent grants and contracts!
Jonathan Bromberg, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Surgery, received a five-year, $1,250,000 grant from the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease for “University of Maryland Mid-Atlantic Clinical Center for the APOLLO Research Network.” Matthew Weir, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, will be a co-principal investigator.
Niel Constantine, PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology, Institute of Human Virology, was awarded $498,976 for one year to support efforts for “The USAID Global Health Supply Chain QA Program” to assess the performance characteristics of diagnostic test kits and to provide technical assistance.
Megan Fox, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, received a three-year $172,926 Ruth L. Kirschstein NRSA Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship from the National Institute of Mental Health for “Molecular Mechanisms of Dendritic Remodeling in Depression.”
Cheng-Ying Ho, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, received a five-year $891,000 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award (K08) from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke for the project “The Role of Skin BDNF in the Maintenance of the Cutaneous Mechanosensory Nervous System” to determine the role of the skin-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF in the maintenance of cutaneous mechanosensory neurons and prevention of diabetic neuropathy.
Gaurav Jindal, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, was awarded $126,350 from Microvention, Inc/Semmes-Murphey Foundation for “Ruptured Aneurysms Treated with Hydrogel Coils (RAGE)” to determine safety and occlusion rates when hydrogel coils are used in the treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms.
Javed Mahmood, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was awarded $120,000 from the William and Ella Owens Medical Research Foundation for “Elucidation of the Effects of Radiotherapy, Hyperthermia, and Immunotherapy (tripartite treatment) in Combination with Chemotherapy in a Mouse Pancreatic Cancer Model.” Dr. Mahmood was also awarded $30,000 from the American Cancer Society for an institutional research grant through the Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center for “Mitigating Cav-1 Mediated Radioresistance in Lung Cancer.”
Hervé Tettelin, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, and Vonetta Edwards, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, in the laboratory of Jacques Ravel, PhD, both from the Institute for Genome Sciences, received a $424,874 two-year R21 award from the National Institutes of Health for “Omics-based Identification of Novel Vaccine Targets Against Neisseria gonorrhea.” Dr. Tettelin also received a two-year $464,188 award from Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp., Merck Investigator Studies Program for “Dual RNA-seq for Characterization of the Streptococcus pneumoniae and Host Transcriptomes During Bacteremia/Invasive Disease.” Dr. Tettelin will be a Principal Investigator. Separately, Dr. Tettelin received a $69,388 two-year R01 subcontract award from the University at Buffalo, State University of New York for “Harnessing the Oral Microbiome to Provide Novel Glycan-Binding Probes.”
Yan Wang, MD, DrPH, Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, received a $157,095 R03 grant from the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) for “Food Insecurity and Neighborhood Food Environment: Links to Children’s Growth, Academic Performance and Behavior.” Maureen Black, PhD, the John A. Scholl, MD and Mary Louise Scholl, MD Professor in Pediatrics, is a co-investigator. Separately, Dr. Black serves as a primary mentor to Doris Yimgang, MPH, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, who received an F31 award, also from NICHD, to conduct her dissertation research “Association Between Iron Deficiency With or Without Anemia and Child Development Among Infants: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analyses.”
Natalie Zlebnik, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, received a three-year, $183,234, National Research Service Award (NRSA) for “Endocannabinoid Regulation of Corticostriatal Network Activity in an Animal Model of Cocaine Relapse.”
Hats off to those who have been published!
Andrea Berry, MD, Assistant Professor, and Karen Kotloff, MD, Division Head, Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine; both from the Department of Pediatrics, were among the co-authors on “Caregiver and Adolescent Factors Associated with Delayed Completion of the Three-Dose Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Series” in Vaccine, 2018 Mar 7.
Maureen Black, PhD, the John A. Scholl, MD and Mary Louise Scholl, MD Professor in Pediatrics, was a co-author on “Unstable Housing and Caregiver and Child Health in Renter Families” in Pediatrics, 2018 Feb.
Wengen Chen, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, and Vasken Dilsizian, MD, Professor; both from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, and Van-Khue Ton, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, were among co-authors on “Clinical Phenotyping of Transthyretin Cardiac Amyloidosis with Bone Seeking Radiotracers in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction” in Current Cardiology Reports, 2018 Mar.
Curtis Copeland, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, was a co-author on “Improvised Explosive Devices: Anesthetic Implications” in Current Anesthesiology Reports, 2018 Mar.
Alan Cross, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Top Down Tandem Mass Spectrometric Analysis of a Chemically Modified Rough-Type Lipopolysaccharide Vaccine Candidate” in the Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2018 Feb 20.
Chris D’Adamo, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Family & Community Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Herbs and Spices Increase Liking and Preference for Vegetables Among Rural High School Students” in Food Quality and Preference, 2018 Sept.
David Dreizin, MD, Assistant Professor, Uttam Bodanapally, MBBS, Assistant Professor, and Nikki Tirada, MD, Assistant Professor; all from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, were among the authors on “Quantitative MDCT Assessment of Binder Effects after Pelvic Ring Disruptions Using Segmented Pelvic Haematoma Volumes and Multiplanar Caliper Measurements” in European Radiology, 2018 Mar 13. Separately, Drs. Dreizin, Bodanapally, Tirada, Rong Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, and Eliot Siegel, MD, Professor, also from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, were among the authors on “CT Prediction Model for Major Arterial Injury After Blunt Pelvic Ring Disruption” in Radiology, 2018 Mar 20.
Samer El-Kamary, MD, ChB, MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, Wilbur Chen, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, and Melissa Billington, Nurse Research Assistant, Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “In Vitro-in Vivo Correlations for Nicotine Transdermal Delivery Systems Evaluated by Both in Vitro Skin Permeation (IVPT) and in Vivo Serum Pharmacokinetics Under the Influence of Transient Heat Application” in the Journal of Controlled Release, 2018 Jan 28.
Ronald Gartenhaus, MD, Professor, Department of Medicine, was the corresponding author on “Fatty Acid Synthase Induced S6Kinase Facilitates USP11-eIF4B Complex Formation for Sustained Oncogenic Translation in DLBCL” in Nature Communications, 2018 Feb 26.
Thomas Grissom, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, authored “Management of the Trauma Patient on Direct Oral Anticoagulants” in Current Anesthesiology Reports, March 2018.
Linda Horn, PT, DScPT, MHS, GCS, NCS, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, was the author of Chapter 18: “Vestibular Examination and Intervention” in Physical Therapy for the Older Adult: Examination and Intervention: An Evidence Based Approach, published by Wolters Kluwer Health, 2017 Sep. 27.
William Jackson, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, along with Carolyn Coyne of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, co-edited the book Enteroviruses: Omics, Molecular Biology, and Control, 2018 Jan 31. Published by Horizon Press, it is a comprehensive look at modern studies of enteroviruses and includes a chapter by Dr. Jackson titled “The Autophagic Pathway and Enterovirus Infection.”
Kimia Khalatbari Kani, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Fixation Devices: Expected Imaging Appearance and Common Complications” in the European Journal of Radiology, 2018 Feb.
Karen Kotloff, MD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics and Division Head, Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Global Disability-Adjusted Life-Year Estimates of Long-Term Health Burden and Undernutrition Attributable to Diarrhoeal Diseases in Children Younger than 5
Years” in Lancet Global Health, 2018 Mar.
Young Kwok, MD, Associate Professor, Adeel Kaiser, MD, Assistant Professor, Stephanie Rice, MD, Resident, Randi Cohen, MD, MS, Assistant Professor, and Mark Mishra, MD, Assistant Professor, all from the Department of Radiation Oncology, authored “Recent Advances in Radiation Oncology: Multimodal Targeting of High Risk and Recurrent Prostate Cancer” in Current Opinions in Oncology, 2018 Feb 19.
Jean Jeudy, MD, Associate Professor, Charles White, MD, Professor, Rydhwana Hossain, MD, Assistant Professor, and Aletta Frazier, MD, Clinical Professor; all from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Spectrum of Coronary Artery Aneurysms: From the Radiologic Pathology Archives” in Radiographics, 2018 Jan–Feb. Separately, Dr. Frazier authored “Coronary Artery Aneurysm Formation: Kawasaki Disease Versus Atherosclerosis,” which was also published in the same issue.
Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor and Associate Dean for Global Health, Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases, and Racheal Simon, PhD, Associate Professor; both from the Department of Medicine, authored “The Gathering Storm: Is Untreatable Typhoid Fever on the Way?” in mBio, 2018 Mar 20.
Erik Lillehoj, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, was a co-author on “Growth Promoting and Antioxidant Effects of Magnolia Bark Extract in an Experimental Model of Necrotic Enteritis” in Current Developments in Nutrition, 2018 Feb 20.
Bing Ma, PhD, Research Associate, and Jacques Ravel, PhD, Professor and Associate Director, Genomics, Institute for Genome Sciences; both from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, were among the co-authors on “Differential Immune Responses and Microbiota Profiles in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Co-Morbid Gastrointestinal Symptoms” in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2018 Mar 20.
Mark Mishra, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was among the authors on “Impact of United States Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations on Utilization of Prostate-Specific Antigen Screening in Medicare Beneficiaries” in the American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 2018 Feb 16.
Kathleen Neuzil, MD, MPH, FIDSA, Professor, Department of Medicine and Director, Center for Vaccine Development, was among the co-authors on “Global Influenza Seasonality to Inform Country-level Vaccine Programs: An Analysis of WHO FluNet Influenza Surveillance Data between 2011 and 2016” in PLoS One, 2018 Feb 21. Separately, Dr. Neuzil wrote “Quantifying the Impact of Maternal Influenza Vaccination: Beyond Laboratory” in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 2018 Feb 24.
Justin Ortiz, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, authored “The Challenge of Vaccine Policy-making with Imperfect Data” in Clinical Infectious Diseases, 2018 Feb 10. He was also among the co-authors of “Revision of Clinical Case Definitions: Influenza-like Illness and Severe Acute Respiratory Infection” in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 2018 Feb 1.
Michelle Pearce, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Family and Community Medicine, was lead author on “Spiritually Integrated Cognitive Processing Therapy: A New Treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder That Targets Moral Injury” in Global Advances in Health & Medicine, 2018 Feb. In addition, Dr. Pearce was a co-author on “Military Veterans’ Preferences for Incorporating Spirituality in Psychotherapy or Counseling” in Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 2018 Feb.
Colin Robertson, Anne-Marie Hansen, PhD, Assistant Professor, Tracy Hazen, PhD, Research Associate, James Kaper, PhD, Professor and Chair, and David Rasko, PhD, Professor; all from the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, were among the co-authors of “Phosphotyrosine-Mediated Regulation of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli Virulence” in mBio, 2018 Feb 27.
Charles Resnik, MD, Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, was last author on “Diagnostic Radiology Resident Recruitment Part I: Advice to Programs (and Program Directors) from Vice Chairs for Education” and “Diagnostic Radiology Resident Recruitment Part II: Advice to Applicants from Vice Chairs for Education” in Academic Radiology, 2018 Mar.
Ron Samet, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, was a co-author on “Regional Anesthesia for the Acute Trauma Patient” in Current Anesthesiology Reports, 2018 Mar.
Charles Simone, II, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was among the authors on “Association Between Treatment at High-Volume Facilities and Improved Overall Survival in Soft Tissue Sarcomas” in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology, 2018 Mar.
Mark Smith, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, was among the co-authors on “A Dedicated Breast-PET/CT Scanner: Evaluation of Basic Performance Characteristics” in Medical Physics, 2018 Feb 1.
Zeljko Vujaskovic, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, was among the authors on “Effect of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Plus Regional Hyperthermia on Long-Term Outcomes Among Patients with Localized High-Risk Soft Tissue Sarcoma: The EORTC 62961-ESHO 95 Randomized Clinical Trial” in JAMA Oncology, 2018 Feb.
Melissa Vyfhuis, MD, PhD, Resident, Jason Molitoris, MD, PhD, Resident, Elizabeth Nichols, MD, Assistant Professor, Mohan Suntharalingam, MD, Professor, Shahed Badiyan, MD, Assistant Professor, and Pranshu Mohindra, MD, Assistant Professor; all from the Department of Radiation Oncology, were among the authors on “Corrigendum to ‘Clinical Outcomes of Black vs. Non-Black Patients with Locally Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer’ [Lung Cancer 114, (December 2017) 44-49]” in Lung Cancer, 2018 Feb.
Yan Wang, MD, DrPH, Assistant Professor, Erin Hager, PhD, Associate Professor, and Maureen Black, PhD, the John A. Scholl, MD and Mary Louise Scholl, MD Professor in Pediatrics; all from the Department of Pediatrics, were co-authors on “A Randomized Safety Promotion Intervention Trial Among Low-Income Families with Toddlers” in Injury Prevention, 2018 Feb 24.
Li-Qun Zhang, PhD, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, was a co-author on “Ideal Characteristics of a Laser-Protected Endotracheal Tube: ABEA and AHNS Member Survey and Biomechanical Testing” in Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology, 2018 Feb 9.