At the forefront of 2018 is our dedication to training the next-generation physicians, scientists, and physician-scientists who will make a dramatic impact on the future of biomedicine, and providing the highest-quality, patient-centered care at our state-wide network of premier clinical…
Tag: SOMNews

What's the Buzz - November 2017
Our School of Medicine 2017 Festival of Science will have the theme of “Mobility and Disability in Aging: Causes, Consequences and Strategies for Restoration.” Now in our Third Century, the School is a burgeoning enterprise of nearly 1,300 students and 3,000 faculty.

What's the Buzz? October 2017
Being passionate and driven about your work is an integral component to success, but so, too, is pausing periodically, allowing time to reassess your priorities, recommit to your goals and make necessary adjustments. Today, there is a significant amount of…

What's the Buzz? - August 2016
What’s on my mind this month is a bold, innovative plan to significantly accelerate the pace and scope of discovery and innovations in the School of Medicine. Last month we announced a new recruitment initiative, the Special Trans-Disciplinary Recruitment Award…

What's the Buzz? - June 2016
What’s on my mind this month is the importance of academic citizenship to celebrate our collective participation in the shared governance of the School of Medicine and its success. I have always been proud of the outstanding scholarship and collegial,…