What's the Buzz for December 2016

Reece175What’s on my mind this month is the fantastic news we received recently about one of our outstanding Institutes—a fitting way to ring in the holiday season.

Last month, the Institute of Human Virology (IHV) was awarded more than $138 million in five-year grants by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to combat HIV/AIDS and other health issues in Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia 
and Nigeria.

IHV has been a powerhouse in the enormous international battle to defeat HIV/AIDS. Since 2004, the Institute has received nearly $926 million from the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the federal program that has saved millions of lives around the world by providing HIV medicines to those who couldn’t otherwise afford them. Over the past twelve years, IHV has partnered with the governments of Botswana, Ethiopia, Guyana, Haiti, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia to coordinate a global response to the AIDS pandemic.

The Institute will use the new CDC grants to form the IHV Center for International Health, Education, & Biosecurity (CIHEB). This Center is the culmination of more than a decade of designing and implementing global health programs to fight HIV/AIDS and other health problems. The Center will be led by Deus Bazira Mubangizi, DrPH, MBA, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine at IHV and UM SOM. Dr. Mubangizi has been heavily involved in IHV’s PEPFAR work, and in this new role, he will further develop the Institute’s work in this and other areas.

Dr. Mubangizi has spent much of his career working to improve health care in Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. He has focused his research on finding more effective ways to spread health care innovations, as well as on improving health care, and especially primary care, in resource-limited settings. In his new role, he will work to develop innovative partnerships between academia, foreign governments, and community organizations to help developing nations diagnose, treat, and prevent AIDS and other diseases.

IHV’s new grants build upon other recent grants, including $97.5 million in funding awarded in 2015–16 to fight infectious disease in Botswana, Kenya, Nigeria and Zambia. The new funding will allow IHV to increase its footprint in a range of places, on several important health problems. IHV researchers and clinicians will work with Kenyan researchers and public health officials to strengthen the country’s approach to both infectious and non-infectious diseases, and will also help start the country’s first methadone treatment center—heroin addiction is an increasing problem in the country. The grants will also allow IHV to expand its HIV prevention, care and treatment services in both Tanzania and Zambia.

As many of you already know, IHV was co-founded and is currently directed by Robert C. Gallo, MD, the Homer & Martha Gudelsky Distinguished Professor in Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. Dr. Gallo is widely known for his co-discovery of HIV as the cause of AIDS, and for the development of the HIV blood test. He is a true giant in the world of HIV/AIDS research, and we are deeply appreciative of his work at UM SOM and IHV.

Over the years, IHV has also made several crucial discoveries related to HIV. Scientists there have identified new anti-HIV suppressive factors and have pioneered a novel oral vaccine delivery system. These and other innovations could eventually lead to what Dr. Gallo has called the “Holy Grail” of HIV research: a vaccine that could protect against a range of HIV strains.

IHV has also been a boon for the region, both in terms of employment and in terms of treatment. It has more than 300 employees, including 70 faculty, who focus on researching chronic human viral infection and disease, including HIV, as well as the hepatitis C virus, human T cell leukemia viruses 1 and 2, human papillomavirus, herpes viruses, and virally-related cancers. IHV also cares for approximately 6,000 patients in Baltimore, and close to a million in Africa and the Caribbean.

IHV’s rate of discovery is also unmatched. It has been awarded 25 patents for such things as the development and use of transgenic rats, finding small proteins that kill tumor cells, chemokines that inhibit HIV infection, bacterial delivery systems for DNA vaccines and the development of new strategies to improve vaccine effectiveness—to name just a few of their successes.

Of course, IHV’s success is just one example of how our School is forging ahead in so many areas. We can all be extraordinarily proud of our accomplishments over the past year. However, there is much more to be done as we strive toward the goals we have set—to make new discoveries, and to help patients, our community and the world at large. With those words in mind, I wish you a safe and joyful holiday.

Sincerely yours,




E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA
Vice President for Medical Affairs, University of Maryland
John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and
Dean, University of Maryland School of Medicine


We welcome our new faculty and staff!

New UMB logoMatthew Terzi, VMD, was appointed Research Associate and Clinical Veterinarian in the Department of Pathology and the Program of Comparative Medicine, Veterinary Resources on July 25. Dr. Terzi is a recent graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and has had significant previous experience in the field of laboratory animal science and care, including time at Harlan Laboratories (currently Envigo) as a research technician who worked with various strains of pathogen-free mice and rats in flexible-film isolators, including NOD/SCID mice and athymic nude mice; the FDA, where he worked closely with principal investigators to facilitate their studies and revised the animal facilities’ SOPs; as well as Johns Hopkins University and Emory University, where he studied dystonia utilizing mouse models (specifically the CACNA1a mutant mice “Tottering” and “Rocker”) to elucidate mechanisms of generalized, stress-induced dystonia, as well as focal, sex-hormone-dependent dystonia. He is excited to be working with laboratory animals once again in the capacity of veterinarian, and he looks forward to collaborating with the scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Tirada_NikkiNikki Tirada, MD, joined the Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine in November as an Assistant Professor in the breast imaging section. Dr. Tirada received her medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, completed an internship in internal medicine at North Shore Long Island Jewish Medical Center in New York, and was a resident at Mount Sinai Medical Center in Miami Beach, FL, and George Washington University Hospital in Washington, DC. She joined the department after completing a fellowship in women’s imaging at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

Kudos to our colleagues who are experts in their fields and give their all to represent the School of Medicine!

Clement AdebamowoClement Adebamowo, BM, ChB, ScD, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, Institute of Human Virology, and Associate Director, Population Science Program, Greenebaum Cancer Center, was a Guest Speaker at the NIH in Bethesda for “Expanding the Scope of Research in Global Health: A Symposium Honoring the Leadership of Dr. Francis Collins, Director National Institutes of Health” on October 14.

chen-wilburWilbur Chen, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine, Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, was a panelist at a press conference on September 29 to kick-off the influenza vaccine season. Dr. Chen was pictured next to CDC Director Tom Frieden in the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases newsletter The Double Helix.

Vasken DilsizanVasken Dilsizian, MD, MASNC, Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, delivered two oral presentations, “Emerging Applications of Nuclear Cardiology: Detection of Device Infection and Endocarditis” and “New Directions: Cardiovascular PET Imaging of Infection/Inflammation” at the American Society of Nuclear Cardiology (ASNC) Annual Scientific Sessions, held in Boca Rotan, FL, September 22–25.

Alan FadenAlan Faden, MD, the David S. Brown Professor in Trauma, Department of Anesthesiology; Professor, Departments of Anatomy & Neurobiology, Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, and Neurology; and Director, Center for Shock, Trauma & Anesthesiology Research (STAR), gave an invited lecture at the ICORD Blusson Spinal Cord Centre in Vancouver, BC on September 5; presented Neurology Grand Rounds at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA on September 8; participated in the Neuroprotection Seminar at UCSF Mission Bay Campus in San Francisco, CA on September 13; presented Neurosurgery Grand Rounds at UCSF in San Francisco, CA on September 15; gave two plenary lectures at the University of California Annual Neuroprotection Symposium in Sonoma, CA on September 19 and 20; and presented at Surgery Grand Rounds at Banner University Medical Center in Phoenix, AZ on September 28.

greywoodeJewel Greywoode, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, presented “Functional Rhinoplasty: A Changing Paradigm in Nasal Surgery” and “Maxillofacial Trauma: Tales from Shock Trauma” at Weill-Cornell Medical College Grand Rounds on Rhinoplasty and Maxillofacial Trauma in New York City in late September.

Neuzil_Kathleen-THUMBKathleen Neuzil, MD, MPH, FIDSA, Professor of Medicine and Director, Center for Vaccine Development, had a busy schedule at the 8th WHO Meeting on Development of Influenza Vaccines That Induce Broadly Protective and Long-lasting Immune Responses, held in Chicago in August, presenting “Preferred Product Characteristics (PPC) of Next-generation Influenza Vaccines,” serving on the panel “Discussion of PPC an Integrated Influenza Vaccine Development in Low Resource Settings,” and moderating the panel “Industry Panel Discussion.” She also moderated the panel “Public Health Featured Symposia: Influenza Vaccines” at the International Society for Influenza and Other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV) Options IX for the Control of Influenza Conference, also held in Chicago in August. At the ROTA Council Strategy Meeting, held in Melbourne, Australia in September, she moderated the panel “The Road Ahead: Issue Landscape, Opportunities, and Challenges for Advocacy.” At the 12th International Rotavirus Symposium, also held in Melbourne in September, she moderated a poster session; participated in a roundtable discussion on “Women Leaders in the Scientific Advancement of Rotavirus—Tribute to Ruth Bishop,” and presented “The Expanding Rotavirus Vaccine Landscape: Lessons Learned from Influenza Vaccines.” Dr. Neuzil also chaired “Session C: Emerging Viruses and the Global Virus Network” at the 18th Annual International Meeting of the Institute of Human Virology in Baltimore on September 19.

Charlene QuinnCharlene Quinn, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was an invited participant and contributor to the World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Ageing, held in Philadelphia. Reports on healthy aging and technological innovations that resulted from the meeting were released on September 10, at the G7 Health Ministers’ meeting in Kobe, Japan.

Shannon Mei TennantGirish Ramachandran, PhD, Research Associate, and Sharon Tennant, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, both from the Center for Vaccine Development (CVD) in the Institute for Global Health, presented “Reduced Biofilm Forming Ability and Long-term Survival of Invasive Salmonella Typhimurium ST313” at the 5th ASM Conference on Salmonella, held in Potsdam, Germany, in August. Drs. Ramachandran and Tennant, along with Marcela Pasetti, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, and Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine, also from CVD, presented “Optimization of a Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium live-attenuated vaccine candidate” at the same conference. The two also presented “Optimization of a Salmonella enterica serovar Paratyphi C Murine Infection Model for Use in Vaccine Development” at the conference, along with Raphael Simon, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine at CVD.

New UMB logoLori Rugle, PhD, Program Director for The Maryland Center of Excellence on Problem Gambling at the School of Medicine, was invited to Singapore in August to conduct problem gambling clinical training for health care professionals residing in that country in preparation of them taking the International Certified Gambler Counselor Examination. The training encompassed prevention, treatment, and recovery topics.

Larry WeissLarry Weiss, MD, JD, Clinical Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, presented Grand Rounds lectures on “Risk Reduction in Emergency Medicine” and “Physician Practice Rights” at the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine of the Harvard University School of Medicine on September 20.

New UMB logoMarcella Wozniak, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Neurology, presented the morning keynote “Stroke Genetics” at the 15th Annual John Scholz Stroke Education Conference, held in Newark, DE on October 15.

Browne_BrianSeven faculty members from the Department of Emergency Medicine presented lectures during this year’s Board review course, sponsored by the Ohio chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians. The physicians and their lecture topics were as follows: Brian Browne, MD, Professor and Chairman (cutaneous disorders); Amal Mattu, MD, Professor (cardiovascular disorders, geriatrics cardiac arrest); Ken Butler, DO, Associate Professor (musculoskeletal injuries, ENT and dental disorders, cardiology, respiratory emergencies, neurologic emergencies); Joseph Martinez, MD, Associate Professor (abdominal and gastrointestinal disorders, OB/GYN emergencies); Michael Abraham, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor (nervous system disorders, trauma care); Mimi Lu, MD, MS, Clinical Assistant Professor (pediatric medical illnesses); and Victoria Hammond, MD, Assistant Professor (ocular emergencies). The two sessions of the course, held in Columbus, OH, in August and September, were attended by hundreds of emergency physicians from across the nation.

Jeff HawkAt the recent Educational Leadership Conference 2016, the internal website developed by Jeff Hawk, Director of Instructional Technology in the Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science (PTRS), to present the PTRS ONSITE Review Materials for the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE) site visit in June, was highlighted at the CAPTE Workshop. Both Jeff and PTRS were given recognition for this innovative way to present onsite materials, and there was interest from many other schools as to how they could implement it in preparation for their own CAPTE site interviews.

Kimberly BeckerThe Center for School Mental Health (CSMH), housed within the Department of Psychiatry, and the Maryland State Department of Education’s Division of Special Education/Early Intervention Service, Military Special Education Coalition (M-SPEC), recently announced the launch of the “Interprofessional Training on Military Connected Families” Online Module Series, at www.mdbehavioralhealth.com. The initiative was led by the department’s Kimberly Becker, PhD, Assistant Professor, and Nancy Lever, PhD, Associate Professor. The modules provide foundational knowledge for mental health, health, and education staff who work with military and veteran-connected children and youth (and families) with mental health needs.

Congratulations to the following who have received honors!

Clement AdebamowoClement Adebamowo, BM, ChB, ScD, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, Institute of Human Virology and Department of Epidemiology and Public Health; and Associate Director Population Science Program, Greenebaum Cancer Center, was recognized as a 2016 Grant Recipient at the 9th Annual UMD-UMB Research and Innovation Seed Program and Reception at the University of Maryland, College Park on October 17.

Calu_DonnaDonna Calu, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology, was selected by the Maryland Science Center as this year’s recipient of the award for Outstanding Young Scientist, Academic Track. The award was presented at the Science Center on November 16.

New UMB logoAnn Hackman, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was selected by the 2016 graduating Medical Student Class to receive the Student Council Award for Best Pre-clinical Faculty at the 2016 UMSOM graduation.

LacapConstance Lacap, MD, Assistant Professor, and Donald Thompson, MD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Psychiatry, completed the Program of Excellence in Patient Centered Communication Certification. Dean Reece sponsored and promoted this initiative to enhance patient-doctor relationships and patient satisfaction levels of clinical services at the Medical Center and in FPI programs. Drs. Lacap and Thompson were two out of only ten faculty members who were selected to be trained and certified to provide mandatory training to all other faculty during the next year.

Myron LevineMyron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Global Health, Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases at the School of Medicine, has been named the recipient of the prestigious 2017 Maxwell Finland Award for Scientific Achievement, given by the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID). The award is highly competitive, and honors scientists who have made outstanding contributions to the understanding of infectious diseases and public health. The award will be presented at the 2017 NFID Annual Awards Dinner at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda on May 18, 2017.

Mary-Claire RoghmannMary-Claire Roghmann, MD, MS, has been awarded the Alvan R. Feinstein Memorial Award from the American College of Physicians (ACP), a national organization of internists. The award will be presented at ACP’s Convocation Ceremony on March 30, 2017, at the San Diego Convention Center, where ACP is hosting its annual scientific conference Internal Medicine Meeting 2017. The Alvan R. Feinstein Memorial Award was established by ACP’s Board of Regents in 2002, in honor of the late Dr. Alvan R. Feinstein, internationally recognized as the father of clinical epidemiology. The award is given to an American physician who has made a major contribution to the science of patient care in clinical epidemiology or clinimetrics, involving the direct study of patients’ clinical conditions.

Martin SchneiderSarah Russell, a graduate student in the Program of Biochemistry, working in the lab of Martin Schneider, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, received a Poster Presentation Award at the 3rd Cancer Cachexia Conference, Cancer Cachexia 2016, in Washington, DC in September.

Scalea-JJoseph Scalea, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, is this year’s recipient of the American Surgical Association’s Foundation Fellowship Research Award. This prestigious award is given to only one or two top surgeons per year, nationwide, and recognizes talented surgeons who are less than five years out of training. Dr. Scalea is the first faculty member at the University of Maryland to receive this award while on staff at UMSOM.

Sania AmrChristina Perry Tise, PhD, a graduate student in the Program in Epidemiology and Human Genetics, was the recipient of a Graduate Program in Life Science (GPILS) award for her PhD thesis. Sania Amr, MD, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was the recipient of a GPILS Teacher of the Year Award. Both awards were presented at a ceremony held by GPILS and the Office of Postdoctoral Scholars on October 25.

New UMB logoRonald Wade, Director of Anatomical Services at the School of Medicine, was selected to receive a College of Health Professions 2016 Community Award from Sacred Heart University in Connecticut in recognition of his contributions to the College of Health Professions there. The award is given to an individual or organization who has demonstrated exceptional collaboration to further the educational goals and mission of the College. The award was presented on November 3.

Alger_BradThe Departments of Physiology, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and the Program in Neuroscience honored Professor Emeritus Bradley E. Alger, PhD, from the Department of Physiology, with the inaugural Bradley E. Alger Lectureship in Neuroscience on October 13. In continuous honor of Dr. Alger’s role as an outstanding teacher and mentor, as well as his contributions in the establishment of the Program in Neuroscience (PIN), PIN graduate students will select the speaker for this lecture every year. The inaugural lecture was given by Dr. Roger Nicoll from the University of California, San Francisco, who was Dr. Alger’s postdoctoral mentor.

Pruitt_DavidThe Center for Infant Study (CIS) and School Mental Health Program (SMHP) within the Department of Psychiatry achieved the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for their child and adolescent Outpatient Mental Health Center. The initiative was led by Medical Directors David Pruitt, MD, Professor, and Sarah Edwards, DO, Assistant Professor, with Program leadership from Kay Connors, LCSW-C, Instructor (CIS-Program Director); Nancy Lever, PhD, Associate Professor (SMHP Executive Director); Jennifer Cox, LCSW-C (SMHP Associate Director); and Jessica Lertora, LCSW-C (CIS-Lead Counselor). This multidisciplinary mental health team offers high-quality, readily accessible person-centered care to improve upon infant care, as well as early childhood and school mental health clinical care in Baltimore City (with a focus on West Baltimore) and the state. The three-year accreditation status is the highest status given by CARF.

We applaud our colleagues on their recent appointments!

New UMB logoAntonello Bonci, MD, Adjunct Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was recently elected to the National Academy of Medicine, reserved for individuals who have made major contributions to their fields. It is considered one of the highest honors in medicine and science.

Mark EhrenreichMark Ehrenreich, MD, DFAPA, FAPM, Department of Psychiatry, has been appointed this year’s Chair of the Maryland Psychiatric Society’s Distinguished Fellowship Committee.

W. Jonathan LedererW. Jonathan Lederer, MD, PhD, Professor of Physiology and Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology, has been appointed as an Honorary Member of the Physiological Society. The list of honorary members of this international society includes multiple Nobel Prize winners.

Mary-Claire RoghmannMary-Claire Roghmann, MD, MS, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, has been appointed Associate Dean for Physician-Scientist Training, and Trans-Disciplinary Research Advancement.

Wendy SandersWendy Sanders, MA, Instructor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, has been appointed Associate Dean for Research Career Development.

Tom ScaleaThomas Scalea, MD, the Francis X. Kelly Professor in Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, and Director of the Program in Trauma, has been appointed as the next Executive Director of the Panamerican Trauma Society (PTS) for the term 2016-2019.

Kerri ThomKerri Thom, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, has been appointed Assistant Dean for Student Research and Education.

Kelly WestlakeKelly Westlake, PhD, MSc, PT, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, was recently appointed an Associate Editor for the new journal Frontiers for Young Minds.


Congratulations to our very productive faculty on their recent grants and contracts!

Lindsay BlackLindsay Black, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, received a R01 Grant for “Mechanism of Bacteriophage DNA Packaging Initiation and DNA Translocation.” The goal of this project is a Biophysical study using Cryo-EM and super-resolution optical microscopy to identify mechanisms used in DNA viral packaging.

Campbell_James_1James Campbell, MD, MS, Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, received a four-year, $1.3 million VTEU (Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units) award from NIAID for “A Population Pharmacokinetic Study to Evaluate the Dose Need to Achieve Vancomycin AUC/MIC >400 in Critically-Ill Pediatric Patients.” He also received a new award for $367,673 on his NIAID VTEU parent contract for implementation of the protocol “Collection of Rectal and Oropharyngeal Swabs from Healthy Volunteers” for the period 8/15/2016 – 6/23/2017, and a VTEU award for $158,865 for the period 09/01/2016 – 04/15/2017 from NIH/NIAID (under Task area B – Option 2.A) for “Lyme Disease Protocol Development.”

chen-wilburWilbur Chen, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine , Center for Vaccine Development, Institute for Global Health, received a three-year, $3,368,841 award from PATH-EVI (Enteric Vaccine Initiative) to perform a phase 2b trial of a Shigella vaccine.

Kao_JosephJoseph P.Y. Kao, PhD, Professor of Physiology and Associate Director, Center for Biomedical Engineering and Technology (BioMET), received a two-year, $30,000 grant from the Department of Defense—Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs, to explore the use of optical photostimulation (using focused light flashes to photo-release neurotransmitter molecules that stimulate neurons in the brain’s visual cortex). Normally, light coming in through the eye stimulates cells that send signals back through the optic nerve, and on through the brain, to release chemicals called neurotransmitters. The neurotransmitter turns on cells in the visual cortex, allowing us to see. Instead of implanting electrodes into the visual cortex, Dr. Kao with colleagues from BioMET and University of Maryland, College Park, plan to synthesize a neurotransmitter molecule whose activity is blocked by a photosensitive “cage.” Exposure to a flash of light breaks the cage to unleash the fully active neurotransmitter. The team will test the ability of a small light-emitting device placed on the surface of the brain to activate caged neurotransmitter deeper in the visual cortex, activating neurons and producing an image. Developing and validating a technology based on photo-releasable neurotransmitters could enable a less invasive approach for vision prosthetics.

Deanna KellyDeanna Kelly, PharmD, BCPP, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, and Philip Resnik, PhD, Professor of Linguistics in College Park’s College of Arts and Humanities, were recently awarded—as one of only two teams—a 2016 Research and Innovation Seed Grant, which supports collaborative research between UMB and UMCP. Their project “Development of Computational Modeling to Identify Symptom Changes in Schizophrenia and Depression” will focus on improving the lives of patients with severe mental illness.

Laurel KiserLaurel Kiser, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was awarded a renewal of her current grant to support the Family Informed Trauma Treatment Center (FITT) from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). FITT works to help families through the dissemination of three trauma interventions, and has so far reached 3,522 participants through face-to-face trainings and workshops.

Karen KotloffKaren Kotloff, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, received a new award for $369,450 on her NIH/Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units (VTEU) parent contract for “Overall Administration, Clinical Operations Support and Concept and Protocol Development, Implementation and Assays” for the period 7/12/2016 -7/11/2017.

Matthew LaurensMatthew Laurens, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Vaccine Development, received a two-year, $1,824,578 grant from the NIH VTEU for “Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity And Protective Efficacy Against Naturally-Transmitted Malaria of Infectious, Cryopreserved Plasmodium Falciparum Sporozoites (Pfspz Challenge) Administered by Direct Venous Inoculation Under Chloroquine Chemoprophylaxis (Pfspz-Cvac), A Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial” through Dr. Kotloff’s VTEU contract. The total VTEU contract is for $2,791,483, including indirect costs, for the period: 9/16/16–11/30/18.

Myron LevineMyron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine in the Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, has been awarded supplemental funds for $224,528 total costs on his NIH/Centers of Excellence for Translational Research (CETR) grant to support work being done at the Henry Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine.

Neuzil_Kathleen-THUMBKathleen Neuzil, MD, MPH, FIDSA, Professor of Medicine and Director, Center for Vaccine Development, received a $3,221,926 grant from NIH/VTEU for “Vaccine and Treatment Evaluation Units (VTEU) Protocol Development, Implementation and Assays Task Area B-D Task Order 15-0066.B1C1D1.0041,” covering the period 9/16/16-3/31/20. She also received a five-year, $36,934,066 award from The Bill & Melina Gates Foundation for “Accelerating Availability and Access to Typhoid Conjugate Vaccines.”

PloweChristopher Plowe, MD, MPH, FASTMH, the Frank M. Calia MD Professor of Medicine and Founding Director, Institute for Global Health, received a 45-day, $19,338 award from NIAID for “Sanaria PfSPZ Challenge with Pyrimethamine Chemoprophylaxis (PfSPZ-CVac: Approach): Phase 1 A Trial to Determine Safety and Protective Efficacy of Sanaria PfSPZ Challenge with Concurrent Pyrimethamine.”

Jianfei-QiJianfei Qi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology in the Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center, received a $1.7M R01 from NCI for “ Role of Histone Demethylase JMJD1A in the DNA Damage Response of Prostate Cancer Cells,” and a two-year, $200,000 Jimmy V Scholar Grant Award from the Jimmy V Foundation for “JMJD1A Promotes the Generation of Androgen Receptor Splice Variant 7 (AR-V7) in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer.”

Gloria ReevesGloria Reeves, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, is Principal Investigator on a newly awarded four-year, $2,372,859 RO1 grant from NIMH supporting “A Community-Based, Family Navigator Intervention to Improve Cardiometabolic Health of Medicaid-Insured Youth Identified Through an Antipsychotic Medication Preauthorization Program.”

Mark RizzoMark Rizzo, PhD, Associate Professor; Thomas Blanpied, PhD, Associate Professor; and Andrea Meredith, PhD, Associate Professor, all from the Department of Physiology, received a three-year, $1,428,179 Multi-PI research grant from the National Institute of Mental Health for “Multiparametric Biosensor Imaging in Brain Slices.”

New UMB logoAi-Hui Tang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology, received a two-year $75,000 NARSAD Young Investigator Grant from the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation for “Nanoscale Reorganization of Glutamatergic Synapses in Schizophrenia-Related Animal Models,” which will support collaborative work between the Department of Physiology and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center.

Tepper_VickiVicki Tepper, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Man Charurat, PhD, Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology & Public Health, and Director, Division of Epidemiology and Prevention, Institute of Human Virology; and Ernest Ekong, MMB, MPH, Director of Clinical Programs, Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria, received a five-year, $1,083,880 grant from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) for “The Adolescent to Adult Patient-centered HIV Transition Study (ADAPT).”


Thanks to those who selflessly donate their time, talent and resources. Your goodwill does not go unappreciated.

FELTER_CARACara Felter, PT, DPT, MPH, Assistant Professor; Sandy McCombe Waller, PT, PhD, NCS, Associate Professor; and Kelly Westlake, PhD, MSc, PT, Assistant Professor, all from the Department of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science, are directing an afterschool program at George Washington Elementary School where Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) students are working with the children to build awareness of health and wellness through exercise and physical activity. This experience is part of the core curriculum within the DPT program.

Hats off to those who have been published!

Clement AdebamowoClement Adebamowo, BM, ChB, ScD, Professor of Epidemiology & Public Health, Institute of Human Virology, and Associate Director, Population Science Program, Greenebaum Cancer Center, was among the co-authors on “Moderate Alcohol Consumption and Chronic Disease: The Case for a Long-Term Trial” in Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 Sep 30 [Epub ahead of print]; “Burden of Cancer Attributable to Infectious Agents in Nigeria: 2012-2014” in Frontiers in Oncology, 2016;6:216; “The Burden of HPV Associated Cancers In Two Regions in Nigeria: 2012–2014 in Cancer Epidemiology, 2016 Dec; 45: 91-97; and “Genome-wide Association Studies in Women of African Ancestry Identified 3q26.21 as a Novel Susceptibility Locus for Estrogen Receptor Negative Breast Cancer” in Human Molecular Genetics, 2016 Sep; pii: ddw305.

Albrecht_JenniferJennifer Albrecht, PhD, Assistant Professor (first author); Lindsay Croft, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow; Daniel Morgan, MD, Associate Professor; Mary-Claire Roghmann, MD, MS, Professor (last author), all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, co-authored “Perceptions of Gown and Glove Use to Prevent Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus Transmission in Nursing Homes” in Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 2016 Sep 24 [Epub ahead of print].

Anders-MeganMegan Anders, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, was among the co-authors on “Point Prevalence Study of Mobilization Practices for Acute Respiratory Failure Patients in the United States” in Critical Care Medicine, 2016 Sep 22 [Epub ahead of print].

Soren BentzenSoren Bentzen, PhD, DMSc, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was among the co-authors on “Prolongation of Overall Treatment Time as a Cause of Treatment Failure in Early Breast Cancer: An Analysis of the UK START (Standardisation Of Breast Radiotherapy) Trials of Radiotherapy Fractionation” in Radiotherapy Oncology, 2016 Sep 22 [Epub ahead of print].

chen-wilburWilbur Chen, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Medicine, and Karen Kotloff, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, both from the Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, were co-authors on “Shigella Vaccine Development: Finding the Path of Least Resistance,” a commentary in Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2016 Oct 5 [Epub ahead of print]. Dr. Chen was also among the co-authors on “Priming Vaccination With Influenza Virus H5 Hemagglutinin Antigen Significantly Increases the Duration of T cell Responses Induced by a Heterologous H5 Booster Vaccination” in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2016 Oct 1;214(7):1020-9. Dr. Chen; Marcela Pasetti, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics; Mardi Reyman; Nancy Greenberg; and Xiaolin Wang, all from the Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “The Safety And Immunogenicity of a Parenterally Administered Structure-Based Rationally Modified Recombinant Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B Protein Vaccine, Stebvax” in Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2016 Oct 5 [Epup ahead of print].

Miriam LauferLauren Cohee, MD, Infectious Disease and Tropical Pediatrics Fellow; Sudhaunshu Joshi, MS, Research Specialist, Division of Malaria Research, Institute for Global Health; Matt Adams, BS, Research Specialist, Division of Malaria Research, Institute for Global Health; Leo Kenefic, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medical and Research Technology; and Miriam Laufer, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and the Division of Malaria Research, all from the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “Parasite Dynamics in the Peripheral Blood and the Placenta During Pregnancy-Associated Malaria Infection” in Malaria Journal, 2016 Sep 21;15(1):483.

Cross_Alan_200Alan Cross, MD, Professor of Medicine, Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, was the author of “IL-18/IL-1/IL-17A Axis: A Novel Therapeutic Target for Neonatal Sepsis?” in Cytokine, 2016 Oct;86:1-3.

Jon HirshonZachary Dezman, MD, MS, Clinical Instructor, and Jennifer Reifel Saltzberg, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Emergency Medicine, published the case report “Male with Diabetes and a Rash” in the ‘Images in Emergency Medicine’ column of Annals of Emergency Medicine, 2016 Oct;68:e77-78. The diagnosis was the rare condition of bullosis diabeticorum. Dr. Dezman and Jon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, along with colleagues from Duke University, co-authored “Hotspots and Causes of Motor Vehicle Crashes in Baltimore, Maryland: A Geospatial Analysis of Five Years of Police Crash and Census Data” in Injury, 2016;

Christopher HarmanDaoyin Dong, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow (first author); Peixin Yang, PhD, Professor (last author); and Christopher Harman, MD, Professor and Chair, all from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences; Yuji Zhang, PhD, Assistant Professor, and Lei Wang, Research Fellow, both from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; and E. Albert Reece, MD, PhD, MBA, Vice President of Medical Affairs, University of Maryland, and the John Z. and Akiko K. Bowers Distinguished Professor and Dean of the School of Medicine, co-authored “microRNA Expression Profiling and Functional Annotation Analysis of Their Targets Modulated by Oxidative Stress During Embryonic Heart Development in Diabetic Mice” in Reproductive Toxicology, 2016 Sep 11;65:365-374.

Gary FiskumGary Fiskum, PhD, the M. Jane Matjasko Professor for Research in Anesthesiology; Tyler Demarest, PhD, Graduate Student, Program in Neuroscience; Tibor Kristian, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology; and Mary McKenna, PhD, Professor, and Jaylyn Waddell, PhD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Pediatrics, were co-authors on “Sex-Dependent Mitophagy and Neuronal Death Following Rat Neonatal Hypoxia-Ischemia” in Neuroscience, 2016 Oct 29;335:103-13.

Eileen BarryChristen Grassel, Research Specialist, and Eileen Barry, PhD, Professor of Medicine, both from the Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “The Synthesis of OspD3 (ShET2) in Shigella flexneri is Independent of OspC1” in Gut Microbes, 2016 Nov;7(6):486-502. Dr. Berry was also among the co-authors on “Respiratory and Oral Vaccination Improves Protection Conferred by the Live Vaccine Strain Against Pneumonic Tularemia in the Rabbit Model” in Pathogens and Disease, 2016, Oct;74(7).

Jack GuralnikJack Guralnik, MD, PhD, MPH, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, Robert Christenson, PhD, Professor, Department of Pathology; and Stephen Seliger, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, were among co-authors on “Impact of Moderate Physical Activity on the Longitudinal Trajectory of a Cardiac Specific Biomarker of Injury: Results From a Randomized Pilot Study of Exercise Intervention” in American Heart Journal, 2016 Sep;179:151-6. Dr. Guralnik was also a co-author on “Actigraphy Features for Predicting Mobility Disability in Older Adults” in Physiological Measurement, 2016 Sep 21;37(10):1813-1833; and on “Effect of Structured Physical Activity on Overall Burden and Transitions Between States of Major Mobility Disability in Older Persons: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized, Controlled Trial” in Annals of Internal Medicine, 2016 Sep 27 [Epub ahead of print].

Ben LawnerMegan Halliday, BS, Medical Student; Andrew Bouland, MD, a 2016 graduate of SOM, and Benjamin Lawner, DO, MS, EMT-P, Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, and Deputy EMS Medical Director, Baltimore City Fire Department, were among the co-authors on “The Medical Duty Officer: An Attempt to Mitigate the Ambulance At-Hospital Interval” in Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016 Sept;17(5):662-668.

James GalenEllen Higginson, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow; James Galen, PhD, Professor of Medicine; Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine; and Sharon Tennant, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, all from the Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, were co-authors on “Microgravity as a Biological Tool to Examine Host-Pathogen Interactions and to Guide Development of Therapeutics and Preventatives That Target Pathogenic Bacteria” in Pathogens and Disease, 2016 Nov;74(8).

Anthony HarrisAnthony Harris, MD, MPH, Professor; Lisa Pineles, MA, Research Associate; and Kerri Thom, MD, Associate Professor, all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, were among the co-authors on “Assessment of the Overall and Multidrug-Resistant Organism Bioburden on Environmental Surfaces in Healthcare Facilities” in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology, 2016 Sep 13:1-7 [Epub ahead of print].

GilotraR. Frank Henn, MD, Assistant Professor; Mohit N. Gilotra, MD, Assistant Professor; and S. Ashfaq Hasan, MD, Associate Professor, all from the Department of Orthopaedics, were the senior authors on “Os Acromiale Fixation: A Biomechanical Comparison of Polyethylene Suture versus Stainless Steel Wire Tension Band” in The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016 Dec;25(12):2034-2039. Dr. Henn was also a senior author on “A Biomechanical Comparison of Allograft Tendons for Ligament Reconstruction” in The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2016 Nov 10 [Epub ahead of print].

Jon HirshonJon Mark Hirshon, MD, MPH, PhD, Professor, Departments of Emergency Medicine and Epidemiology & Public Health, was among the co-authors on “Using Timely Survey-Based Information Networks to Collect Data on Best Practices for Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response: Illustrative Case from the American College of Emergency Physicians’ Ebola Surveys” in Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness, 2016 Aug;10(4):681-90. Through the electronic distribution of surveys that assessed medical facilities’ readiness to assess and treat people infected with the Ebola virus, Dr. Hirshon and his colleagues, members of ACEP’s Ebola Expert Panel, demonstrated the ability to monitor the delivery of health care during public health emergencies and to implement real-time modifications in health care processes as warranted by survey results.

Johnson_KristyJennifer Johnson, PhD, Associate Professor (first author); Gwen Robinson, MPH, Lead Clinical Research Specialist; and LiCheng Zhao, PhD, Research Assistant, all from the Department of Pathology; and Anthony Harris, MD, MPH, Professor; O. Colin Stine, PhD, Professor; and Kerri Thom, MD, Associate Professor (last author), all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, co-authored “Comparison of Molecular Typing Methods for the Analyses of Acinetobacter baumannii From ICU Patients” in Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 2016 Dec;86(4):345-350.

Seth KligermanSeth Kligerman, MD, Assistant Professor and Jeffrey Galvin, MD, Professor, both from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Clinical-Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation of Smoking-Related Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease” in Radiologic Clinics of North America, 2016 Nov;54(6):1047-1063.

Karen KotloffKaren Kotloff, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, and Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine, both from the Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “Use of Quantitative Molecular Diagnostic Methods to Identify Causes Of Diarrhoea in Children: A Reanalysis of The GEMS Case-Control Study” in The Lancet, 2016 Sep 24;388(10051):1291-301.

Rao GullapalliTC Kouo, MD, Assistant Professor, and Rao Gullapalli, PhD, MBA, Professor, both from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Differential Associations of Socioeconomic Status With Global Brain Volumes and White Matter Lesions in African American and White Adults: The HANDLS SCAN Study” in Psychosomatic Medicine, 2016 Nov 1 [Epub ahead of print].

Lane-BartonBarton Lane, MD, Assistant Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Individually Optimized Contrast-Enhanced 4D-CT for Radiotherapy Simulation in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma” in Medical Physics, 2016 Oct;43(10):5659.

Istvan MerchenthalerMalcolm Lane, Research Specialist, and Istvan Merchenthaler, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, both from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, were among the co-authors on “Neurotrophic Factor-A1: A Key Wnt-B-Catenin Dependent Anti-Proliferation Factor And ERK-Sox9 Activated Inducer of Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Differentiation to Astrocytes in Neurodevelopment” in Stem Cells, 2016 Oct 6 [Epub ahead of print].

Miriam LauferMiriam Laufer, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Institute for Global Health; along with C. David Pauza, PhD, Professor of Medicine, and Cristiana Cairo, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, both from the Institute of Human Virology; and Christopher Harman, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences, were among the co-authors on “Prolonged PD1 Expression on Neonatal Vd2 Lymphocytes Dampens Proinflammatory Responses: Role of Epigenetic Regulation” in Journal of Immunology, 2016 Sep 1;197(5):1884-1892. Dr. Laufer was also among the co-authors on “Incidence and Seasonality of Influenza-Like Illnesses Among Pregnant Women in Blantyre, Malawi” in American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2016 Oct 5;95(4):915-917. She and Lauren Cohee, MD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Division of Malaria Research, Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “High Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum Gametocyte Infections in School-Age Children Using Molecular Detection: Patterns and Predictors of Risk From a Cross-Sectional Study in Southern Malawi” in Malaria Journal, Nov 4;15(1):527, 2016.

New UMB logoChristopher LeBrun, MD, Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, was among the co-authors on “What Is New in Trauma-Related Amputations?” in Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2016 Oct;30(suppl 3):S16-S20.

Myron LevineMyron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguised Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Global Health, Vaccinology and Infectious Diseases; Karen Kotloff, MD, Professor of Pediatrics; and Dilruba Nasrin, MBBS, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, all from the Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “Predictors of Diarrheal Mortality and Patterns of Caregiver Health Seeking Behavior in Karachi, Pakistan” in Journal of Global Health, 2016 Dec;6(2):020406. Dr. Levine and Marcela Pasetti, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics, Center for Vaccine Development and the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi and Gallbladder Cancer: A Case–Control Study and Meta-Analysis” in Cancer Medicine, 2016 Nov;5(11):3310-3235.

Laurence MagderLaurence Magder, PhD, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was among the co-authors on “Impaired Motor Preparation and Execution During Standing Reach in People with Chronic Stroke” in Neuroscience Letters, 2016 Sep 6;630:38-44.

Manson_TheodoreTheodore Manson, MD, Associate Professor; Jason Nascone, MD, Associate Professor; Marcus Sciadini, MD, Associate Professor; and Robert O’Toole, MD, the Hansjörg Wyss Medical Foundation Professor in Orthopaedic Trauma, all from the Department of Orthopaedics, were the senior authors on “Radiographic Determinants of Early Clinical Failure after Fixation of Posterior Wall Acetabular Fractures” in Orthopedics, 2016 Nov 1;39(6):e1104-e1111. Drs. Nascone, Sciadini and O’Toole were also the senior authors on “Can Applied External Fixators Be Sterilized for Surgery? A Prospective Cohort Study in Orthopaedic Trauma Patients” in Injury, 2016 Dec;47(12):2679-2682. And Dr. O’Toole was the senior author on “Biomechanical and Cost Comparisons of Near-Far and Pin-Bar Constructs” in Orthopedics, 2016 Oct 13:1-4 [Epub ahead of print].

DirkMayerDirk Mayer, Dr rer nat, Associate Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, was among the co-authors on “Transient CNS Responses to Repeated Binge Ethanol Treatment” in Addiction Biology, 2016 Nov;21(6):1199-1216.

Istvan MerchenthalerIstvan Merchenthaler, MD, PhD, DSc, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was among the co-authors on “Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (Crh)-Immunoreactive (Ir) Axon Varicosities Target a Subset of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (Ghrh)-Ir Neurons in the Human Hypothalamus” in Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016 Sep 14;78:119-124.

Brotman_RebeccaRebecca Brotman Miller, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was last author on “Association Between Bacterial Vaginosis and Partner Concurrency: A Longitudinal Study” in Sexually Transmitted Infections, 2016 Sep 19 [Epub ahead of print].

Dheeraj GandhiTimothy Miller, MD, Assistant Professor; Ravi Shivashankar, MD, Fellow; Gaurav Jindal, MD, Assistant Professor; and Dheeraj Gandhi, MBBS, Professor, all from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Early Angiographic Signs of Acute Thrombus Formation Following Cerebral Aneurysm Treatment With the Pipeline Embolization Device” in Journal of Neurointerventional Surgery, 2016 Oct 21 [Epub ahead of print]. Dr. Gandhi was also a co-author on “Safety and Efficacy of Minimally Invasive Surgery Plus Alteplase in Intracerebral Haemorrhage Evacuation (MISTIE): A Randomised, Controlled, Open-Label, Phase 2 Trial” in Lancet Neurology, 2016 Nov;15(12):1228-1237.

PranshuMohindraPranshu Mohindra, MD, MBBS, Assistant Professor (first author), and Elizabeth Nichols, MD, Assistant Professor (last author), both from the Department of Radiation Oncology; Soren Bentzen, PhD, DMSc, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; Dana Roque, MD, Assistant Professor, and Gautam Rao, MD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, & Reproductive Sciences; and Nader Hanna, MB, BCh, Professor, Department of Surgery, were among the co-authors on “Adjuvant Whole-Pelvic Radiation Therapy (WPRT) for Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (EA): 45 Gy or 50/50.4 Gy?” in International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2016 Oct 1;96(2S):E300; and “Adjuvant Therapy for Locoregionally Advanced Endometrioid Adenocarcinoma (EA): Upfront Chemotherapy (UC) or Upfront Radiation Therapy (UR)?” in International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2016 Oct 1;96(2S):E289-E290.

Daniel MorganDaniel Morgan, MD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was first author on “2016 Update on Medical Overuse: A Systematic Review” in JAMA Internal Medicine, 2016 Nov 1;176(11):1687-1692; and last author on “Improving Incident Reporting Among Physician Trainees” in Journal of Patient Safety, 2016 Sep 9 [Epub ahead of print].

mulligan_michaelMichael Morris, MD, third-year resident, and Michael Mulligan, MD, Professor, both from the Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Musculoskeletal and Overgrowth Syndromes Associated With Cutaneous Abnormalities” in British Journal of Radiology, 2016 Nov;89(1067):20160521.

Neuzil_Kathleen-THUMBKathleen Neuzil, MD, MPH, FIDSA, Professor of Medicine and Director, Center for Vaccine Development, was among the co-authors on “Preventing Shingles and Its Complications in Older Adults” in New England Journal of Medicine, 2016 Sept 15 [Epub ahead of print]. She was also senior author on “Efficacy of a Russian-Backbone Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Among Young Children in Bangladesh: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial” in Lancet Global Health, 2016 Dec;4(12):e946-e954, and on “Efficacy of Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine Among Children in Senegal: A Randomised Trial” in Lancet Global Health, 2016 Dec;4(12):e955-e965.

Elizabeth NicholsElizabeth Nichols, MD, Assistant Professor (first author), and Pranshu Mohindra, MD, MBBS, Assistant Professor (last author), both from the Department of Radiation Oncology; Soren Bentzen, PhD, DMSc, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; Dana Roque, MD, Assistant Professor, and Gautam Rao, MD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences; and Nader Hanna, MB, BCh, Professor, Department of Surgery were among the co-authors on “National Cancer Data Base Analysis of Uterine Carcinosarcoma (UC): Improvement in Survival With the Use of Radiation Therapy” in International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2016 Oct 1;96(2S):S49. Dr. Bentzen was also a co-author, with Jason Molitoris, MD, PhD, Resident (first author), and Shahed Badiyan, MD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Radiation Oncology, on “Multi-institutional Validation of a Novel Glioblastoma Prognostic Nomogram Incorporating MGMT Methylation” in International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 2016 Oct 1;96(2S):S182.

Glenn OstirGlenn Ostir, PhD, Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; Stephen Schenkel, MD, MPP, Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine; Ivonne Berges, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; Teresa Kostelec, BSN, Department of Emergency Medicine; and Laura Pimentel, MD, CPME, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, were among the co-authors on “Cognitive Health and Risk of ED Revisit in Underserved Older Adults” in American Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2016 Oct;34[10]:1973-1976.

Raymond PensyEbrahim Paryavi, MD, Assistant Professor, and Raymond Pensy, MD, Assistant Professor, both from the Department of Orthopaedics, were among the co-authors on “Biomechanical Comparison of Superior versus Anterior Plate Position for Fixation of Distal Clavicular Fractures: A New Model” in Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma, 2016 Sep 20 [Epub ahead of print].

Alex DrohatEdvin Pozharski, PhD, Assistant Professor; Alex Drohat, PhD, Associate Professor; and Kristen Varney, PhD, Associate Professor, all from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, were among the co-authors on “Structural Basis of Damage Recognition By Thymine DNA Glycosylase: Key Roles for N-Terminal Residues” in Nucleic Acids Research, 2016 Aug 31 [Epub ahead of print]. It described for the first time the high resolution structure of the full length active human thymine specific DNA glycosylase, an enzyme involved in both DNA repair and active DNA demethylation—the essential mechanism of epigenetic regulation.

Charlene QuinnCharlene Quinn, PhD, RN, FAAN, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, was among the co-authors on “Successful Aging Among African American Older Adults With Type 2 Diabetes” in Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, 2016 Sep 21 [Epub ahead of print].

Jay MagazinerAlan Rathbun, PhD, MPH, Postdoctoral Research Fellow (first author); Jay Magaziner, PhD, MSHyg, Professor and Chair (last author); Denise Orwig, PhD, Associate Professor; Ann Gruber-Baldini, PhD, Professor; Glenn Ostir, PhD, Professor; Gregory Hicks, PT, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor; and Ram Miller, MDCM, Adjunct Assistant Professor, all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; and Marc Hochberg, MD, MPH, Professor, Department of Medicine, were co-authors on “Effects of Prefracture Depressive Illness and Postfracture Depressive Symptoms on Physical Performance After Hip Fracture” in Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 2016 Nov;64(11):e171-e176.

SowSamba Sow, MD, MS, Adjunct Professor of Medicine and Director General, Center for Vaccine Development-Mali; Dilruba Nasrin, MBBS, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine; William Blackwelder, PhD, Professor of Medicine; Sharon Tennant, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine; Karen Kotloff, MD, Professor of Pediatrics; and Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine, all from the Center for Vaccine Development in the Institute for Global Health, were among the co-authors on “Aeromonas-Associated Diarrhea in Children Under 5 Years: The GEMS Experience” in The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2016 Oct 5;95(4):774-780.

Stamatos_NicholasNicholas Stamatos, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Institute of Human Virology, was lead author on “Class 3 Semaphorins Induce F-Actin Reorganization in Human Dendritic Cells: Role in Cell Migration” in Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 2016 Dec;100(6):1323-1334. Sabrina Curreli, PhD, Research Associate in Medicine, Institute of Human Virology, and Olga Latinovic, PhD, Assistant Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Institute of Human Virology, were among the co-authors.

Smith_GordonBethany Strong, MD, MS, Class of 2016 (first author); Jamila Torain, MPH; Christina Greene, MS; and Gordon Smith, MB, ChB, MPH, Professor (last author), all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health, co-authored “Outcomes of Trauma Admission for Falls: Influence of Race and Age on In-hospital and Post-Discharge Mortality” in American Journal of Surgery, 2016 Oct;212(4):638-644.

Herve TettelinHervé Tettelin, PhD, Associate Professor of Microbiology & Immunology, Institute for Genome Sciences, was among the co-authors on “In-Silico Prediction and Deep-DNA Sequencing Validation Indicate Phase Variation in 115 Neisseria meningitidis Genes” in BMC Genomics, 2016 Oct 28;17(1):843. He was also among the co-authors on “The Essential Genome of Streptococcus agalactiae” in BMC Genomics, 2016 May 26;17:406.

Kerri ThomKerri Thom, MD, Associate Professor (first author); Lindsay Croft, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow; and Daniel Morgan, MD, Associate Professor, all from the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health; and Emily Heil, PharmD, Clinical Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy and Department of Medicine (secondary), were among the co-authors on “Advancing Interprofessional Patient Safety Education for Medical, Nursing, and Pharmacy Learners During Clinical Rotations” in Journal of Interprofessional Care, 2016 Aug 11:1-4.

Marcelo SzteinRezwanul Wahid, MBBS, PhD, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics; Stephanie Fresnay, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow; Myron Levine, MD, DTPH, the Simon and Bessie Grollman Distinguished Professor of Medicine; and Marcelo Sztein, MD, Professor of Pediatrics, all from the Center for Vaccine Development and Institute for Global Health, were co-authors on “Cross-Reactive Multifunctional CD4+ T Cell Responses Against Salmonella Enterica Serovars typhi, Paratyphi A and Paratyphi B in Humans Following Immunization with Live Oral Typhoid Vaccine Ty21a” in Clinical Immunology, 2016 Sep 12 [Epub ahead of print]. Drs. Sztein and Levine were also among the co-authors on “Using a Human Challenge Model of Infection to Measure Vaccine Efficacy: A Randomised, Controlled Trial Comparing the Typhoid Vaccines M01ZH09 with Placebo and Ty21a” in PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2016 Aug 17;10(8):e0004926. eCollection 2016.

Welsh_ChristopherChristopher Welsh, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, was a contributor to the October 26 Baltimore Sun op-ed “Monitored Drug Use Sites Save Lives.” The op-ed discussed the call for Safer Drug Consumption sites as a method to help combat the ongoing heroin and opioid crisis in the state of Maryland, and compared the concept to the once-controversial needle exchange program that has helped to reduce the transmission of HIV, hepatitis C, and many other diseases. By supporting SDC sites, literature has shown increased use of detox services, decreased levels of overdose deaths and onset of disease, and a multitude of other beneficial factors. The full article can be found at: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/opinion/oped/bs-ed-drug-consumption-20161026-story.html.

Charles WhiteCharles White, MD, Professor, Department of Diagnostic Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, was among the co-authors on “The Vancouver Lung Cancer Risk Prediction Model: Assessment by Using a Subset of the National Lung Screening Trial Cohort” in Radiology, 2016 Oct 13:152627 [Epub ahead of print].

New UMB logoL. Susan Wieland, PhD, Assistant Professor of Family & Community Medicine, and Cochrane CM Field Coordinator, Center for Integrative Medicine, was among the co-authors on “A Summary of a Cochrane Review: Acupuncture for the Prevention of Tension-Type Headache” in European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 2016 Aug;8(4):324-325.